Saturday, February 8, 2020

Case study assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment - Case Study Example Although it will be uncomfortable to call the Vice President of Engineering and inform him concerning the potential problems/delay, oversight with regard to this issue is fundamental if the correct seris of choices will be made as the deadline for this project nears. Moreover, another rational for this response to be put forward by this student has to do with the fact that if the situation escalates, the Vice President of Engineering alongside many other high profile individuals within the company will be irate with regard to the fact that this issue was not brought to their attention prior to it causing a work stoppage or hardships/ill will/or even legal trouble between the producer and the client. Unfortunately, even though the Vice President will be upset with regard to the fact that this issue threatens to derail the timeline that was already delayed, seeking to be forthcoming with respect to this issue is ultimately the best approach. B) Option B does presents Tim with the possibility of including old components as a function of meeting the Vice President’s directions to merely â€Å"get the stuff done†; however, the best approach within situation A & B is to seek to return to the production line and finish the products utilizing newly crafted components and hoping that the impurity levels will be low enough to pass quality control. C) In the case that Arnold is out of town when Tim calls him, it is incumbent upon him to attempt to reach out to him on an emergency contact number or to escalate this situation to the next layer of management. Although it is true that Tim will be uncomfortable with going up the chain of command higher and higher, the need to do this so that further heartache with respect to the production process and customer dissatisfaction will not occur in the future. Explaining the situation from the very beginning is the best way to

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